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Showing posts from August, 2019

Norvergence: Climate change fueled Syria’s civil war

“Until now the main cause of civil war is a wealth of the nation in few men hands but Syria showed us another reason; Climate Change” With this blog post, environmentalists at Norvergence  have taken their research and study to a whole new level. The purpose of this content is to make people aware of how a climate change-driven drought can exacerbate conflict in a country. Check the supporting video: No one knew that drought in Syria could be one of the devastating factors that trigger the 2 nd deadliest war of the 21 st century. Experts believe that the Syrian civil war is the result of many interrelated factors such as sociopolitical tensions, religious tensions, bad condition of the economy, and other political changes that swept across the Middle-East.  Visit  for the complete post.

Norvergence: list of approved press release on many authoritative websites

Norvergence mission is to preserve the natural systems and to educate people about how to opt sustainable approaches in their day-to-day lives. As we all know that ice is melting at a very fast rate on both the poles. So, something has to be done until the situation becomes uncontrollable. The team Norvergence is going city-to-city door-to-door to make people realize that nature is more important than fulfilling our capitalism needs. In this post, you can find the list of the approved press release on many authoritative websites. Here is the list:’s_Environmental_Research_Got_Published_on_4_Renowned_Websites’s_Environmental_Research_Got_Published_on_4_Renowned_Websites

Norvergence’s Environmental Research Got Published on 4 Renowned Websites

In the era of increasing global warming, many environmentalists, politicians, artists, and social workers are trying to create a difference through different channels or methods. Norvergence is an initiative taken by a group of environmentalists to aware people regarding environmental issues and what we can do to tackle it. Their work got published on 4 renowned websites such as Nation of Change, ESI Africa, The Environmental and The published content contains in-depth research about issues like economic impacts of climate change (across the globe), environmental activists being killed globally, psychosocial and mental health impacts of climate change, impacts of climate change in Vietnam (case study) and how education helps to address climate change. Visit for the complete news.