As 2019 comes to an end you all must have started thinking about your resolutions for 2020. This year let's be more creative with our resolutions like the members of Norvergence, an NGO working for the betterment of the earth. The members of this NGO have made a resolution to protect the environment and contribute daily to reduce the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emission and climate change. As it is said that the little efforts count and collectively make a difference. This new year let’s make a resolution on climate change and be more environment-friendly. Your resolution can include joining a climate council, help reduce emissions from transport, avoid wastage of edible items. Such simple climate change resolutions are easy to follow and will definitely help in protecting the environment and reduce the effects of climate change.
Norvergence is trying very hard to aware the people about how to adopt a nature-friendly life cycle. Further, Norvergence promotes tactics or solutions that will help to create a sustainable society.